Bring some extra magic to your smoking experience!!
* Each pipe comes with a cleaning brush.
Blue Apatite
Chakra ~ Third Eye
Element ~ Wind
Numerology ~ 9
Zodiac ~ Gemini
Promotes ~A generous love of people + desire to be of service to others. Happy inspiration + manifestation. Gives strength + hope to pursue our dreams, helps to laugh more + dispel the darkness. Assists in developing our natural psychic gifts, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, can help us become more aware of past lives + their effects on us today. Actively encourages us to break karmic ties that hold us back from living happily in this lifetime. Encourage a love of life, easy friendships, + extroverted behavior. Allows one to give self-permission to pursue passions in all forms + to ignore any socially proscribed guilt for doing so. Pushes you to have fun, be open to variety + spontaneity. It invites us to be more adventurous in our relationships, both romantic + friendly. Helps to concentrate on happy thoughts and not to dwell on past hardships, stimulates creativity + the intellect. A wonderful dream stone, encouraging lucid dreaming + dream recall. Communication + accurate self-expression, clears away mental confusion. Assists us to examine+ change our physical habits. Talisman for skeletal system or cartilage, for anyone who works on a computer all day + needs a reminder to give eyes a break from screens + to move around regularly. It encourages improved posture + joints.
Tiger's Eye
Chakra ~ Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Element ~ Fire + Earth
Numerology ~ 4
Zodiac ~ Capricorn
Promotes ~ strength, courage, trust, confidence, self-awareness, to live empowered, fully alive to the beauty of the present moment. Helps us to disassociate ourselves from negative people, balance out our own emotional highs + lows. Great for relationships + groupwork, helps people to see their commonalities + to communicate more diplomatically. Tiger's Eye is practical + full of common sense. It encourages good business + financial sense. Encourages us to be pragmatic + prepared. Assists with general vitality + to reduce physical pain. Is commonly used to bring hormones + the body’s biochemistry into balance. It is often used to treat the adrenal glands + help align the spinal cord. It is believed to help mend broken bones + to treat reproductive disorders.
Chakra ~ All
Element ~ Wind
Numerology ~ 6, 7
Zodiac ~ Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Promotes ~Awakens our natural gifts, a stone for mystics, shamans, druids, + anyone whose spiritual life follows the “Old Path”. Cuts through illusions to reveal the heart of truth. Amplifies psychic gifts of all sorts, increases intuition + awareness, connects us to universal energies. Offers protection during ritual work + helps to smoothly move between realms. Sweet calming effect on the heart, more contemplative + less given to irrational emotions. Reveals forgotten memories. Good when undergoing therapy, as it can help us to shed negative energy, particularly fear, +increase our confidence +trust levels. Stimulates imagination + creativity, while also encouraging analysis + logic. Deepens self-reflection + contemplation, linking intellectual thought processes with intuitive wisdom. A valuable tool during times of transition + transformation, helping our mind to calming shift into new modes. Helps us to stay calm, patient + curious, a good talisman for elders who are at a higher risk for colds, flus, rheumatism + other winter illnesses.